Webflow Marketing Automation

If you are using Webflow and you have a simple form to collect basic info from your customers, you can use this template to create a simple marketing automation workflow.

In this workflow you are collecting basic info then create some marketing automation on the data you are collecting.

  1. Create a form to collect in Webflow - Add First Name, Last Name, Email and Phone number
  2. Once the form is submitted the data will be saved into Airtable
  3. Wait 1 day - Send email via Sendgrid
  4. Wait 3 days - Send Another via  Sendgrid
  5. Wait 7 days - Send Another via Sendgrid
  6. Wait - 30 days - Send SMS via Twilio 

Copy this template to get started.

You can change the wait days to be either a few minutes, days, or months.  If you do have Sendgrid Pro, you can also white-label your outgoing emails so that they originate from your domain. 

Setting it up :

1. Create a form in Webflow

  1. Connect all the connectors that you are using including Airtable, sendgrid and twilio
  2. Map Webflow data to Airtable

  1. Add a Delay Step

5. Configure Sendgrid details

  1. Configure Twilio details